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Two lesser known hikes that offer wonderful views

Have you already walked all the theme and hiking trails in the surroudings of Bled and Radovljica? Do you think you have already stood atop all the viewpoints? Well, think again, or rather be sure to check out our two suggestions for hikes that offer wonderful views.

Below you can read about two viewpoints in the vicinity of Radovjlica, where you will be rewarded for your efforts by amazing views and, in autumn in particular, the wealth of the autumn forest. The first hike is ideal for families and small children, while the second is more suited to those who like to set off on lesser trodden paths.



480 metres above sea-level


Actually, three viewpoints await you on this circular trail. Otoški, Posavški and Zaloški Stovc are situated above the Sava river valley. The viewpoints are named after the villages that lie directly beneath them – Otoče, Posavec and Zaloše. These are small villages on the left and right bank of the Sava river, directly adjacent to the Gorenjska railway line between Podnart and Radovljica.


We began the hike to Stovc in the village of Otoče, where we parked near the railway station. It is also possible to reach the start of the hike by train, but, if you plan to do so, be quick since in the second half of October closure of the railway line is foreseen due to renovation work. You can reach the car park by driving past the railway line, crossing the track and turning left towards the village of Zaloše.

Forest path

From the car park set off on foot towards Zaloše until, after a few minutes walk, you will see  a sign for 'Stovc'. Follow the path slightly to the left until you reach another path that branches off to the right towards the hillside. Next comes a slight climb uphill and across a logging trail, then the path steepens a little more and leads along the top of cliffs on the left side of the village from where there are great views. The varied terrain, known among locals as 'stapnce' leads to the top, where you continue straight ahead. This track leads to the first view - Otoški Stovc.

View from "Otoški stovc"

Turn left at the next junction of paths and continue along the slightly wider trail towards the east, i.e. towards the village of Podnart. At the next junction of paths continue straight ahead until you see a viewpoint with a table and benches to your left. This is Zaloški Stovc. On the tree there is a small wooden chest containing a record book. To reach the viewpoint you just need to take a few more steps to the edge of the rocky cliffs. Of all the three viewpoints, Zaloški Stovc offers the most beautiful views of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and Mt. Storžič.

View from Zaloški Stovc


Once you have had your fill of the view, from the viewpoint set off to the right on a track that leads close to the edge of the cliffs; the first part of this track runs parallel to the track on which you walked up. This track will lead you to the third of the viewpoints – Posavški Stovc

View from Posavški Stovc

Continue ahead on this track keeping to the right at all times. The track will lead you back to 'stapnce'. From here begin to descend past the cliffs and back to the start.


It takes around one-and-a-half hours to walk the circular trail, which is also suitable for small children. There aren't signs at all the junctions of paths, however, if you follow the instructions above carefully, you shouldn't have any problems, and, anyway, you are more than likely to meet a local who will help you along the way!



952 metres above sea-level

Suharna, which lies just 50 metres short of 1,000 metres above sea-level, is a rocky viewpoint on the edge of the Jelovica plateau. It boasts views of the lower Lipnica valley and the Ljubljana basin. The views also encompass the area from Žirovnica via Lesce to Radovljica, Begunje and Brezje and onwards towards Kranj. The peaks of the Karavanke and Kamnik-Savinja Alps rise up above the countryside.

View from Suharna

The trail to Suharna begins in the hamlet of Kolnica, which is part of the village of Spodnja Lipnica. Just before the bridge over the Lipnica stream there is a small parking area on the left-hand side, which is the starting point for the Grabnarca Waterside Nature Trail. The parking area is located next to the road that branches off towards the Jelovica plateau from the main Radovljica – Kamna Gorica road in Spodnja Lipnica opposite the Krona bar. The first sign to Suharna is found at the parking area. The path is marked throughout.


The trail first leads along a forest logging trail, and then steeply up through the forest from where you will soon be able to marvel at the first views of the Lipnica valley. Further ahead the logging trail becomes a narrow track. At around the halfway point, at 747 metres above sea-level, there is a rest area with a bench and a small shrine.

Rest area in the forest


Continue ahead until you reach a forest path where you turn left and then upwards to the right. After approximately an hour of walking you reach the top where you should continue along the ridge to reach the viewpoint with a table and bench.

View from Suharna




We hiked both these trails at the end of the summer, before the leaves started turning to autumnal colours, but now we can hardly wait to visit again to see the autumn 'makeover'. The forest is full of deciduous trees and the views of the autumn-coloured forests in the valley will soon be even more beautiful than usual.


Interested in other hiking trails in Radovljica? Check out our themed-hiking trails or other hiking possiblities.


Written by Kaja Beton, October 2020

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