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Public Information


Council members:
  • Blaž Finžgar (representative of the Municipality of Radovljica), President
  • Romana Šlibar Pačnik (representative of the Municipality of Radovljica) 
  • Erika Marolt (representative of the Municipality of Radovljica)
  • Tatjana Justin (representative of the Municipality of Radovljica)
  • Maruša Šolar Čuden (representative of the Municipality of Radovljica)
  • Marcela Klofutar (representative of payers of tourist tax), Deputy President
  • Jože Andrejaš (representative of payers of tourist tax)
  • Mitja Kapus (representative of tourist associations)
  • Kaja Beton (employees' representative)
Regulations and documents (in Slovenian)
Annual reports (in Slovenian)
  • Business and financial report for the year 2016
  • Business and financial report for the year 2015
  • Business and financial report for the year 2014
  • Business and financial report for the year 2013
The role and importance of the Radovljica Public Institute for Tourism and Culture

The Radovljica Tourism Institute was established in 2010 with the aim of becoming a modern destination organisation. In 2016 the field of culture was added to the institute's activities. The work of the institute in the area of tourism continues to be based on active co-operation with providers of tourist facilities, whilst simultaneously ensuring public interest in the development of local tourist facilities in compliance with the principles of sustainable development. The main tasks and focus of the work of the Institute are the development and marketing of tourism as well as the establishment of recognition of Radovljica as a tourist destination. In the area of culture, the institute's work is focused on managing and running Linhart Hall in Radovljica.


In the area of tourism, the task of the Radovljica Public Institute for Tourism and Culture is responsibility for executing the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Municipality of Radovljica 2016-2021, and managing the tourist area:

  • actively co-operating and connecting on regional and national levels
  • preparation and participation in regional projects
  • managing tourist information centres (TICs)
  • promotion and furtherance of tourism in the municipality
  • inclusion of public and private institutions
  • organisation of events
  • marketing the Baroque and Dance Halls in Radovljica Mansion

The Institute's guidelines are:

  • researching and analysing the market in the field of tourism
  • designing and marketing the entire range of tourism services in the tourist area
  • encouraging the development of the entire range of tourist products and services
  • tourist information services
  • carrying out local tourist guiding services
  • organisation and execution of events
  • promotion of tourist services
  • co-operating with related organisations and institutions
  • care of public tourist infrastructure
  • raising awareness and encouraging local residents to have a positive attitude to tourism
  • managing property and assets
  • other services that are offered free of charge in the tourist area

The aims of the working of the Institute:

  • greater recognition of the Municipality of Radovljica as a tourist area
  • adequate organisation of tourism on a local level – mutual co-operation and connection between the public and private sectors
  • exploitation of existing potential and, most importantly, the inclusion of natural and cultural heritage in the area of tourism
  • consideration of the principles of sustainable development
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