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General Termns and Conditions of Online Store


The general terms and conditions of the Radovljica Tourist Information Centre online store have been drawn up in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), with recommendations from the Chamber of Commerce (GZS) and the international codes for e-commerce. The Radovljica Tourist Information Centre online store is an information system designed to present and sell products to users. It is managed by the Radovljica Public Institute for Tourism and Culture, Linhartov trg 9, 4240 Radovljica, hereinafter referred to as 'the provider'. A 'user' is a person who uses the provider's system – therefore a buyer in the online store.



The provider undertakes to always provide the buyer with the following information:

  1. company identity (name and seat of the company, registration number)
  2. contact details to enable users to be able to communicate quickly and efficiently (e-mail, telephone)
  3. the main characteristics of the goods or services (including after-sales service and guarantees)
  4. product availability (every product or service that is on offer on the website should be available within a reasonable time)
  5. conditions for delivery of the product or the execution of the service (method, place and time of delivery)
  6. all prices must be clearly and unambiguously defined and it must be clearly stated whether they already include VAT and delivery costs
  7. method of payment and delivery
  8. validity of the offer
  9. the period in which it is possible to withdraw from the contract and the conditions to do so; in addition, information about how much it costs the buyer to return a product or products
  10. an explanation of the complaint procedure including all details about the contact person or the customer service department. By confirming the order, each buyer agrees to the terms and conditions of business.



Should you require any information or help regarding the online products or services, submitting an order, delivery, use of the website, or the return of good, please contact us by email to:



The purchase contract (order) between the provider and the buyer is concluded at the time the order is submitted. Thereafter, all prices and other conditions are fixed and apply to both the provider and the buyer. By confirming the purchase, the buyer accepts the general terms and conditions.

The contract concluded between the provider and the buyer is stored electronically on the server of the Radovljica Institute for Tourism and Culture, Linhartov trg 9, 4240 Radovljica. The buyer may obtain a copy by sending an e-mail to: The buyer will receive a copy of the contract (order) by email after placing an order.

The purchase contract (order) is accessible at any time in the buyer's customer profile (My profile) that they used to register for the online store.




All prices of products and services are stated in Euros (€) and are valid on the day of ordering and are only valid when ordering online, therefore there may be some price discrepancies between the online store and other stores in Slovenia. Once a buyer confirms the order in the online store, they are subject to the published prices at the time of order. The prices are valid when using the payment methods listed below. All prices include VAT unless explicitly stated otherwise.

The provider of the Radovljica Tourist Information Centre online store enables payment by credit card, while within the territory of Slovenia it is also possible to pay cash upon receipt of the goods. The buyer receives an invoice together with the products. Payment must be made in full.



Delivery times are expressed in working days. The provider must deliver the goods within the agreed time. The Slovenian postal service (Pošta Slovenije) carries out the deliveries for the Radovljica Tourist Information Centre online store.


Pošta Slovenije reserves the right to deliver domestic parcels within three working days. The price of delivery is calculated according to the price list of Pošta Slovenije Delivery is only possible within the European Union. Delivery time outside the borders of Slovenia is longer and depends on the delivery location.



  1. Submitting an order: Buyers do not have to register to shop at the online store. A buyer may add the desired product to the basket by clicking ‘Add to Basket'. When the required items are in the basket, the option 'Go to the checkout' is available. Clicking on this button opens the checkout register, where the buyer can see a list of all the products in the basket. In this step there is also a 'Back to the Shop' option where new products can be added and/or a 'Continue' option where the buyer needs to complete the required information for delivery, the invoice and the payment method. Prior to completion, a further step is required by which the buyer agrees to the general terms and conditions of business and the obligation to pay to the company. Before the final order is placed, the buyer will be able to see a final preview of the order, where all the selected items and other parameters selected at the time of delivery can be checked. In the event that any information has been incorrectly entered, the buyer may go back one step. Should the buyer not want to complete the order, they may close the page or click the 'Empty the Basket' button to cancel the order. If the information contained in the preview is correct, the buyer should click the 'Confirm Order' button.
  2. Order accepted: After submitting an order the buyer will receive a message by email confirming that the order has been accepted. At this stage the buyer has a period of one hour within which to cancel the order. At all times the buyer has access on the provider's website to full details about the status and contents of the order.
  3. Order confirmed: If the buyer does not cancel the order, the order goes into further processing where the provider will review the order, check the availability of the ordered items and confirm or reject the order. The provider may call the buyer using the contact telephone number provided to verify the information or to ensure the accuracy of delivery. In cases where the provider does not have the goods ordered in stock in its own warehouse, the provider is exclusively bound by its supplier and the time during which the supplier may deliver the goods to the provider. The provider will promptly inform the buyer by email of up-to-date information regarding the delivery of the goods. If the delivery time is excessively long and the buyer does not want to wait, the buyer may inform the provider who will then remove the item from the order and return any funds already paid. The buyer may also choose what to do with any other items ordered, or may alternatively cancel the whole order. The provider assumes no responsibility for damage that may be incurred as a result of longer delivery times or from the delivery of goods that the provider does not have in stock in its own warehouse.
  4. Goods dispatched: Within the agreed deadline the provider will prepare and dispatch the goods to the buyer and send the buyer an email notification. In the email the provider will acquaint the buyer with the returns policy, who to contact in the event of late delivery, and who to contact in the event of any complaints.



Where contracts are settled by email, the buyer (consumer) - according to Articles 43 and 43d of the Consumer Protection Act – ZVPot - has the right to inform the company by e-mail ( within fourteen (14) days that they withdraw from the contract without having to state a reason for this decision. The deadline begins to count one day after the date of receipt of the items. The consumer then has 14 days to return the product to the provider's address. Failure to meet this deadline means the provider is not obliged to provide a refund.


Goods returned to the provider within the term of cancellation of the contract shall be considered as a notice of withdrawal from the contract. It is not possible to return products that have expired (e.g. tickets and packages for services linked to a specific date), as also stipulated in point 12 of Article 43 of the ZVPot.


The provider shall refund the full purchase price (purchase price with delivery charges) as soon as possible and no later than thirty days after receiving the consumer's notice of withdrawal.


Products in the online store are subject to warranty terms in accordance with Slovenian law.



In the event of a material fault or defect the consumer may exercise their rights provided that they inform the provider of the fault or defect within two months of the day when it was discovered. The consumer must give the provider a detailed description of the fault/defect and allow the provider to inspect the item. The consumer may notify the provider personally of the fault/defect, upon which the provider will issue a confirmation, or the consumer may send the product back to the store where the item was purchased.


If the fault/defect is not disputed, the company must comply with the consumer's request as soon as possible and at the latest within eight days. If there is a dispute about the error, the company must provide the consumer with a written response within the same deadline. The provider is not responsible for any material faults/defects in the goods which appear two years following delivery of the item.


In cases where the consumer has duly informed the provider of the fault/defect, they may demand that the provider rectifies the fault/defect in the goods, return part of the amount paid in proportion to the fault/defect, replace the defective goods with new flawless goods, or refund the amount paid.


The consumer's rights shall expire two years from the date of informing the provider of the fault/defect error.


A form for the withdrawal from a purchase contract is available HERE.


The consumer must return the goods within fourteen days at the latest following notification of withdrawal from the purchase contract. Goods should be returned to the following address: TIC Radovljica, Linhart trg 9, 4240 Radovljica.


Upon receipt of the goods, the provider will reimburse all payments to the buyer in accordance with the law. The only cost incurred by the buyer in connection with cancellation of an order is the direct cost of returning the goods. The provider will not accept goods returned where payment for postage is due. In the case of a contract concluded outside the provider's premises and where goods are delivered to the buyer's home, at the time of conclusion of the contract the provider shall only accept returned goods at its own expense if, due to the nature of the goods, return of the goods is not possible by normal means by post.


Payments will be refunded as soon as possible and no later than 14 days after the goods are returned. In order to ensure the certainty, accuracy and timeliness of the return, as well as to provide a record of payments, the refund of the payment to the buyer is made using the same payment method used at the time of purchase.


When withdrawing from a contract where a bonus, discount code or promotional code was used, these funds are considered as a discount and will not be returned to the buyer. The provider will only refund the amount paid. When cancelling an order paid for by gift voucher, the voucher is considered as a means of payment and is returned to the buyer as a gift voucher, while any additional amounts paid are refunded.


In exceptional cases when the items are not returned in accordance with the ZVPot, the provider may offer to purchase the item from the consumer for appropriate compensation, which is determined by the record upon the return of goods. The purchase at a reduced rate becomes valid when the consumer confirms their agreement by email. The consumer may only use the agreed amount when ordering another item of equal or higher value.


The right to a refund in the event of a warranty claim and faulty goods is defined in more detail by the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (unofficial consolidated text).



The provider shall use appropriate technological and organisational means to protect the transfer and storage of personal data, orders and payments.



The information provided by the buyer is strictly confidential and is treated in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 59/1999, 57/2001, 59/2001) and the Consumer Protection Act - ZVPot-UPB1 (official consolidated text - Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 14/03). The provider undertakes to permanently protect all the buyer's personal data. The provider will use personal information exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the order (sending information material, offers, invoices) and other communication. In no case will the buyer's data be handed over to unauthorised persons. The buyer is also responsible for the protection of personal data by ensuring the security and protection of their username and password.



The provider will only use information for advertising and promotion purposes in cases where the buyer has expressely agreed to the condition. The provider will adhere to the wishes of the buyer if they do not wish to receive promotional messages.



The provider makes every effort to ensure that the information published on its website is up-to-date and correct. However, the product features, their availability and price can change at any time meaning that the provider may not be able to immediately correct the information on the website. In this case, the provider will inform the buyer of the changes and allow them to cancel the order or replace the ordered product. All product photos are symbolic and do not guarantee the product features. The provider is not responsible for any typographic errors.



The provider complies with the applicable consumer protection legislation. Complaints and claims for faulty goods should be sent by e-mail to or by regular mail to: The Public Institute for Tourism and Culture Radovljica, Linhartov trg 9, 4240 Radovljica.


Within five working days the provider must confirm that it has received the complaint, and inform the customer how long it will take to handle the matter and keep the customer informed of the progress of the procedure. The provider shall endeavor to resolve any disputes by mutual agreement and in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Out-of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 81/15).



The provider has set high internal standards for handling orders, returns and customer complaints and tries to follow the current consumer requirements and legal regulations to the maximum extent possible. In accordance with paragrah 6 of Article 7 of the Electronic Commerce Market Act (ZEPT), however, the provider declares that it is not a signatory to the Code of Conduct for Online Marketers.


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