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Swimming Pools

In summer you can cool off in swimming pools in Radovljica and Kropa and the natural lake at Camp Šobec.

Radovljica Open-air Swimming Pool
Children's Swimming Pool in Radovljica

Radovljica's olympic-size pool awaits swimmers and bathers throughout the year – for the majority of the year it is covered whilst in the summer months it is open-air. Natural outdoor swimming is available at the natural lake at Camp Šobec. The natural lake at Camp Sobec is also open to those not staying at the camp. In addition to water and areas to rest in the sun or shade, there are also snack bars, children's play areas and sports facilities.



Kopališka 9, Radovljica
T: +386 (0)4 531 57 70, E:

Opening hours:



Saturdays, Sundays

Open-air pool (June -September)



Covered pool (October - May)

9am-11am, 5.30pm-9.30pm

10am-12noon and 4pm-7pm


Olympic-size swimming pool (covered between October and May), children's pool, snack bar, beach volleyball, swimming courses, children's swimming training, water aerobics, children's playground, fitness centre, campsite 



Kropa 105, Kropa
M:041 335 842, E:

Opening hours: June - August, daily from 9am – 6pm


Swimming pool (25m x 12.5m), children's pool, snack bar, beach volleyball, picnic area, skittles, table tennis, basketball court, grass football field



Šobčeva 25, Lesce
T: +386 (0)4 535 37 00, E:, W:

Open: May - September
Facilities: snack bar, restaurant, beach volleyball, children's playground, mini golf, basketball court, Thai massage, water games, zipline



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Swimming in Radovljica's olympic-size pool
Recreation in water year-round

The olympic-size pool in Radovljica is open year-round. During summer it is open-air, whilst in winter it is covered.

A camp on the banks of the Sava river between Bled and Lesce which offers a wonderful place in nature.

Camp Radovljica is situated in the centre of town right next to the Olympic-size pool.

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